Research to Real World for Compensable Injury Symposium 2024

The Research to Real World for Compensable Injury Symposium 2024 will be hosted by the CRE and the John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research, at The University of Sydney.

AIM: Our symposium aims to enhance connections among researchers, government, industry, practitioners and consumers. By promoting information exchange and collaboration, we strive to improve outcomes for individuals affected by motor vehicle crashes, now and into the future.



Evidence to action - the Regulator's perspective

Dr Petrina Casey
NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority


The emerging role of physiotherapy in Certification of capacity for work

Paul CoburnWorkSafe VIC

Development and preliminary evaluation of clinician training modules for StressModex

Professor Michele Sterling
The University of Queensland

System design and access to motor vehicle crash compensation: Analysis of a new national claims dataset –
a Fellowship project

Professor Alex Collie
Monash University

Development and Implementation of an e-resource for whiplash (MyWhiplashNavigator) amongst insurers and clinicians. Does it help?

Professor Trudy Rebbeck &
Dr Ana Paula Carvalho-e-Silva

John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research, The University of Sydney

Towards better outcomes: Experiences and impacts of service and system factors after road traffic injury in NSW

Joseph Lennon
The University of Sydney

Are you experienced? Using computational social science to improve performance in Australian injury compensation schemes

Associate Professor Jason Thompson & Dr Fjalar de Haan
The University of Melbourne

Panel: Challenges of integrating research into policy and practice

David Brentnall, Axis Occupational Health & Wellbeing
Dr Petrina Casey, SIRA
Dr Anne Daly
, Transport Accident Commission

A/Professor Genevieve Grant, Monash University
Bojana Grujic, Allianz Australia

Paul Murdoch, Consumer Advocate

Kevin Poh, The University of Sydney


Wednesday 12 June 2024


Symposium 3-6pm

Reception 6-7pm


The University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus

Our 2023 Symposium was attended by over 170 in-person and online delegates from academia, insurance, healthcare, government and the community.

Registration has now closed.



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Research to Real World for Compensable Injury Symposium 2024

Wed 12 Jun 2024 3:00pm6:00pm
