
We're driving dissemination and translation of our research outcomes into clinical practice and policy through publishing in high quality, peer-reviewed journals, engaging with relevant peak professional associations (e.g. Australian Physiotherapy Association, RACGP), delivering professional development courses for graduate clinicians, presenting outcomes at our annual symposia and at other national and international conferences and meetings.




2. Publications by the International Consortium for Non-Hospitalised Road Traffic Injuries (ConsoRTI)

Sterling, Michele; Andersen, Tonny; Carroll, Linda; Connelly, Luke; Côté, Pierre; Curatolo, Michele; Grant, Genevieve; Jull, Gwendolen; Kasch, Helge; Ravn, Sophie Lykkegaard; MacDermid, Joy; Malmström, Eva-Maj; Rebbeck, Trudy; Söderlund, Anne; Treleaven, Julia; Walton, David M.; Westergren, Hans. Recommendations for a core outcome measurement set for clinical trials in whiplash associated disorders. PAIN 164(10):p 2265-2272, October 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002926.

Ritchie, Carrie, Andersen, Tonny Elmose, Ravn, Sophie Lykkegaard, Söderlund, Anne, Sterling, Michele, Carroll, Linda, Connelly, Luke B., Cote, Pierre, Curatolo, Michele, Grant, Genevieve, Jull, Gwendolen, Kasch, Helge, MacDermid, Joy, Malmström, Eva Maj, Rebbeck, Trudy, Treleaven, Julia, Walton, David, and Westergren, Hans (2022). A systematic review shows minimal evidence for measurement properties of psychological functioning outcomes in whiplashJournal of Clinical Epidemiology 151 29-44,

Griffin, Alexandra R; Leaver, Andrew M; Arora, Mohit; Walton, David M; Peek, Aimie; Bandong, Aila N; Sterling, Michele; Rebbeck, Trudy Clinimetric Properties of Self-reported Disability Scales for Whiplash: A Systematic Review for the Whiplash Core Outcome Set (CATWAD). The Clinical Journal of Pain October 2021 - 37(10): 766-787.

Michele Sterling (2022) A core outcome measurement set for whiplash associated disorders—Editorial, European Journal of Physiotherapy, 24:5, 260-261.

Modarresi, Shirin; Lukacs, Michael J; Ghodrati, Maryam; Salim, Shahan; MacDermid, Joy C; Walton, David M. (2021). A systematic review and synthesis of psychometric properties of the Numeric Pain Rating Scale and the Visual Analogue Sacle for use in people with neck pain. The Clinical Journal of Pain February 2022 - Volume 38 - Issue 2 - pp132-148.

Bobos P, MacDermid J, Nazari G CATWAD, et al. (2019). Psychometric properties of the global rating of change scales in patients with neck disorders: a systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression. BMJ Open 9(11): e033909.

Chen, Kenneth; Andersen, Tonny; Carroll, Linda; Connelly, Luke; Côté, Pierre; Curatolo, Michele; Elliott, James; Grant, Genevieve; Jull, Gwendolen; Kasch, Helge; MacDermid, Joy; Malmström, Eva-Maj; Maujean, Annick; McLean, Samuel A; Nielsen, Mandy; Rebbeck, Trudy; Söderlund, Anne; Sterling, Joanna; Treleaven, Julia; Walton, David M; Westergren, Hans; Sterling, Michele. (2019). Recommendations For Core Outcome Domain Set For Whiplash-Associated Disorders (CATWAD). The Clinical Journal of Pain 35(9): 727-736.

Maujean, A., Carroll, L., Curatolo, M. et al. A core outcome set for clinical trials in whiplash-associated disorders (WAD): a study protocol. Trials 19(1): 635 (2018).